Welcome to Kidsmile Dentist Nagpur

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 11am to 9pm
Contact : +91-8055-9549-59

At Kids Smile Dentist, the dentist will evaluate the medical history of your child, expected time required for the procedure and the comfort before recommending a method of sedation. We have several sedation options available at our Dentist with its own particular benefits.

With the help of Conscious sedation, we can communicate with children, follow instructions, and cooperate during the entire procedure. The major methods of conscious sedation we use at our Dentist are:

  1. Nitrous oxide

    Child Dentist recommends Nitrous oxide which is more commonly known as “laughing gas” during the treatment which reduces particular signs of nervousness or anxiety in children. The gas is delivered by an oxygen mask placed over the child’s nose so he can comfortably breathe.

    Laughing gas help to relaxes children very quickly, and also produce happy euphoric behavior. It acts quickly, deliver painlessly and wears off within a minutes. The dentist delivers regular oxygen for few minutes, to ensure the nitrous oxide removed completely from the child’s body. Sometimes laughing gas may cause nausea, so dentist suggests minimum food intake prior to the appointment.

  2. Oral sedation

    Non-cooperative child patients are particularly anxious or too much active who unable to control their muscles for long periods. While treating such patient, our dentist offers oral sedatives. The dentist practices oral sedation usually with tablets, pills or liquid and may make the child feel drowsy. The parents must prepare the child before the appointment.

  3. Other forms of conscious sedation

    Along with tablets and liquid, your dentist may administer sedatives through IV, suppositories or by nasal spray. The method of administration of sedation may change, but nature remains the same.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How Does The Conscious Sedation Work?

    The child needs to breathe Nitrous Oxide with an oxygen mask which reduces anxiety and relax the child even for challenging dental procedures. We ensure that child should be conscious during sedation technique so controlled amount of sedation provided. Also, it is highly effective to overcome a pronounced gag reflex.

  • What Precautions Do I Need To Take?

    The child must have snacks prior to the procedure with a minimum two-hour gap. This limits any offense or vomiting which sometimes the gas might induce. Once the treatment was done, children can do their normal activities except physical activity like skating, swimming etc till the next day

  • Is It Safe For My Child?

    It has been proven that inhalation sedation procedure is completely safe, efficient and child-friendly form of sedation for children. The effect of the gas is limited and sufficient for the treatment. Nitrous oxide is instantly expelled from the body.

  • Can Dental Sedation Be Used For One Year Child?

    Our dentist recommends the children younger than 4 years of age are not fit for sedation because they usually classified under pre-cooperative patients. It is difficult to accept the nasal mask by a small child and breathe calmly while working in their mouth.

Treatment Under General Anesthesia