Welcome to Kidsmile Dentist Nagpur

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 11am to 9pm
Contact : +91-8055-9549-59

At Kids Smile Dentist, we focus on primary dental care for children. It is very important and inevitable throughout the life, especially at young age. Some of the dental treatments like "Braces treatment" are recommended at an age of 14 and the dentist advice to wait till all the permanent teeth emerge.

Kids with young age develop an inferiority complex and reduced self-confidence due to improper dentition. As a result of this, they become nonsocial and somewhere dissipates their innocence.

Dentistry is upgrading every day, both in technology and in the treatment possibilities. Nowadays there are multiple treatment options for preventive dental care as no waiting till the age of 14 for any dental treatment.

Preventive dental care includes-

  • Regular cleanings and oral examination
  • Fluoride treatments
  • Early cavity detection
  • Preliminary orthodontic planning

Preliminary Orthodontic Planning:

The minor dental abnormalities of a young age can be treated with the help of an appliance known as "Orthodontic Trainer". This appliance can be applied at an age of 6-8 years which helps in straightening the teeth and correction of the bite. This will definitely helps in establishing your child’s self esteem & confidence.

Parental Guidance:

Along with preventive dental appliances, parental guidance plays an important role in developing good oral hygiene habits in their kids. Parent need to enlighten them about the importance of preventive dental care in daily life.