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Dental Cavities

Early childhood caries is a common problem in school-aged children. If the cavities, not treated, may produce speech problems, trouble with chewing, and reduced nutrition and influence the overall health of your child. Luckily, the cavities can be prevented or even reversed with the help of proper oral hygiene and regular dental care.

What are Dental Cavities?

Your children's teeth are very prone to disease, if not taken care properly then cavity may occur. Cavities are damaged spots on the teeth progress into small or large holes which affect the adjacent teeth and gums. Cavities particularly seen in young children and teenagers happen due to constant snacking, sugary drinks and inadequate teeth cleaning, even infants can develop cavities if proper oral hygiene is not performed.

If cavities left untreated, they grow larger and deeper into the teeth. It causes infection, extreme dental pain, and loss of the affected teeth.

What Causes Dental Cavities?

  • Progression

    Tooth decay is a constant process that progresses over a period of time. If the teeth not cleaned properly, there is an accumulation of food particle and soft deposits called plaque on the tooth surface.

    Plaque produced by bacteria grows into the mouth in unhygienic conditions. Whatever we eat, it contains sugar on which bacteria begin feeding rapidly and generate acids. This allows the bacteria to produce bacterial plaque, if not cleaned it hardens and affect gum and teeth.

    Plaque starts damaging of the outer layer of teeth called enamel by producing small holes in the enamel, which is the beginning stage of cavities. Bacteria and its acid start growing in these small holes on enamel, going a deeper damaging inner layer of the tooth.

  • Decay and Destruction

    As tooth get infected with bacteria and its waste, decay progresses and continue to grow deeper and deeper damaging the most important part of the tooth called "Pulp". The pulp is formed with blood vessels and nerves which help to transmit the sensation and blood supply to the tooth. Carries progress deeper inside the pulp resulting in severe dental pain, sensitivity during eating or drinking and other possible symptoms. If not treated on time, it may also spread the infection to adjacent teeth followed by the tooth abscess, infected pocket of pus and some serious and painful dental issue.

  • Signs and Symptoms of Dental Cavities

    Signs and Symptoms arise, depending on the level of decay, the location of cavities and the infection, which are:

    1. Dark or light colored spots on the tooth surface.
    2. You may experience sensitivity mostly when biting down.
    3. Sever pain while eating or drinking anything cold, hot, or sweet.
    4. Cavity formation on tooth surface

  • How To Prevent Cavities?

    It is very important for kids to visit Dentist for regular dental checkups and cleaning as cavities are not been identified easily. We recommend parents must take their children to the dentist in every six months for a regular checkup and cleaning. The key to limiting the cavities is good oral and dental hygiene

    1. Always use the fluoride containing toothpaste as recommended by Dentist.
    2. Brush your kid's teeth after their meal or twice a day.
    3. A regular visit to the dentist for dental screening, teeth cleaning and for sealants
    4. Feed your child with an interval to reduce chances of cavities.
    5. Avoid sugar-containing food and drinks.
    6. Use mouth rinse if recommended

To learn more about dental caries, book an appointment at Kids Smile Dentist, Nagpur.