Welcome to Kidsmile Dentist Nagpur

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 11am to 9pm
Contact : +91-8055-9549-59

Approximately one-half of children sustained dental injury during childhood during playing, most of which are preventable. The injury resulting the loss of permanent teeth has long-lasting cosmetic, functional, and psychosocial effects. The consequence for a number of dental injuries may be uncertain until the permanent teeth erupt.

When To See a Dentist?

If your kid has an injury associated with face or teeth, you need to examine the kid to know how severe the injury is. Some of the symptoms related to facial trauma and injury are:

  1. Pain, tenderness, or sensitivity in a tooth
  2. Broken, loose, or missing tooth after trauma
  3. Bleeding
  4. Jaw pain during opening or closing the mouth
  5. Difficulty swallowing or breathing
  6. If the child develops a fever or other signs of infection after a mouth or tooth injury, take your child to the dentist immediately.

What does a Dentist do?

The dentist will examine the child's mouth, throat, head, neck, and body and identify the injury and treatment possibility. Some of the treatment your dentist will do according to the type od injury are:

  1. Dental injuries:

    The treatment depends upon the type of injury and either the damaged tooth is a baby or permanent tooth.

  2. Dislocated or loose tooth:

    It is the most common injury happen to the kid falling on the face while playing. the tooth either dislocates of broke and it might severe in some cases. The treatment mainly focuses on limiting expected damage to the permanent teeth.

  3. Broken tooth:

    Children with broken teeth must visit your dentist immediately. The dentist will examine if there is any damage to tooth's nerve or blood vessels. Treatment includes in such cases are either smoothing the rough edges of the tooth, repairing it with a tooth-colored bonding or removing it.

  4. Mouth injuries:

    The examination and treatment of mouth injuries depend upon the occurrence of the injury, area injured and its severity.

  5. Injury to oral structures:

    Injury to the tongue, lip or chick may large, particularly near the tip of the tongue, may require stitches. Cuts that include the outer portion of the lips also frequently require stitches.

  6. Home management of minor mouth injuries:

    Minor injuries such as bleeding inside the lip occur because of fall or bite can be treated easily at home, by simply holding the injury site for few minutes press the area against the teeth and hold for several minutes. By doing this bleeding can stop within 10 minutes, if not visit your dentist immediately.

  7. Mouthguards:

    Mouthguards can significantly minimize the risk of tooth and jaw injuries. Kids can wear it during playing, even if they fall, chances of facial or tooth injury decrease 90%.

  8. Hygiene and diet:

    It is most important to maintain oral hygiene after a tooth or mouth injury including brushing twice a day with soft bristle toothbrush. Sometimes, dentist prescribes a mouthwash to prevent swelling and infection.

    The dentist will prescribe antibiotics in the form of medication to prevent infection and for the recovery. A dose of tetanus vaccine might be needed depending upon your kid's immunization status.