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Contact : +91-8055-9549-59

Fluoride Treatment For Children

In addition to dental sealants, fluoride treatment for kids is one of the most effective measures to prevent tooth cavities and maintaining excellent dental health in children. Kids smile Dentist offers fluoride treatment for children as it is safe and effective in decreasing and reoccurrence of cavities in children. If combined with dental sealant effectiveness increases by 95% making the tooth more impenetrable to sugars and plaque bacteria in the mouth. Fluoride acts as a shield for the enamel layer of the teeth and prohibits the reoccurrence of cavities.

What Exactly Is Fluoride?

It is a naturally existing mineral found in water, available in different foods we eat every day and widely throughout nature. If the food we eat, not providing adequate fluoride is often added to tap water supplies for drinking and to toothpaste for children and adults.

Is Fluoride Necessary?

People who grown up drinking fluoridated water had about 66% less cavities than the people without fluoridated drinking water. It defines; fluoride reduces tooth decay if added in drinking water.

Fluoride is advantageous for all children as it shields young teeth from damaging acid and can actually abolish early signs of dental decay. Dietary sugar produces bacteria and hurtful acids in the mouth which damage the hard protective outer layer of the tooth called enamel. When the acid attacks the enamel, minerals like phosphates, calcium, and fluoride are lost and get added back when supplied through drinking water or foods. Cavities only form when too many minerals lost and not regain through diet.

Benefits of Dental Fluoride

Fluoride can apply during the treatment at the Dentist which is very effective in reducing dental decay in children, especially those in a high-risk category of tooth decay. Some of the fluoride application treatment performed at Kids Smile Dentist is:

Dental Fluoride Varnish

Only small amounts of dental fluoride applied to the teeth in a gel, foam, or varnish. It consists of highly increased levels of fluoride as compared to what is found in water and toothpaste. Dental fluoride treatment recommended for children depending on their oral and dental situation. Dental fluoride is beneficial for the developing teeth by strengthen them and reducing the risk of early decay.

Is Fluoride Is Safe For Children?

Fluoride treatment completely safe for children as it is an effective agent in maintaining dental health. Fluoride plays an important role during the developing age of your child, in between six months to sixteen years.

Fluoride can be bad if used in extremely high doses. Parent need not worry as the quantity present in drinking water is good enough for your kids. Fluoridated products such as toothpaste and mouthwash should be kept out of kids under six years of age. We recommend, use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste on a child’s toothbrush.

Start using just a “smear” of fluoridated toothpaste for your kid when the first tooth appears or a child is three years of age.

Dental Sealants For Children’s

Dental sealants are a quick, easy, and relatively cheap solution for preventing cavities. Although the idea behind sealants is not new, they’re quickly becoming the go-to treatment for kids that are at high risk for dental decay.

What Are Dental Sealants?

Sealants are placed on the chewing surfaces of teeth, particularly the permanent molars at the back as toothbrushes can’t reach all the way to clean well.

Do Your Child Need Dental Sealants?

Kids are bad brushers and ignore brushing the back of the mouth which gradually leads to cavities and decay. We recommend that children should have dental sealants as soon as their permanent back teeth erupt. This is when the teeth are at the highest risk for cavities.

Some kids are more susceptible to cavities and decay due poor oral hygiene or lack access to dental care, should consider dental sealants as a preventative measure.

How Do Dental Sealants Work?

Getting sealants is a 10 minute procedure without pain and most children have no problem with the process. The children with dental anxiety or who are non co-operative, we use nitrous oxide which help them to relax.

To know more about Dental Fluoride & Dental Sealants, visit Kids Smile Dentist, Our Dentist pleasure to answer all your worries and question.