Welcome to Kidsmile Dentist Nagpur

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 11am to 9pm
Contact : +91-8055-9549-59

Different Habits In Children?

Childhood habits which are most common and parents should not ignore as they may leads to dental and facial problems in their kids in future. So parents need to act wisely to control those habits of their kids before the problem arise.

    Some of the most common childhood habits are:
  • Thumb sucking
  • Mouth breathing
  • Tongue thrusting
  • Lip Sucking
  • And lesser common are
  • Finger or nail biting
  • Lip biting

What Are The Deleterious Effects Of These Habits?

These habits should be controlled at the stage of milk teeth, if not permanent teeth gets affected. As the child grows, there is overall growth of the body including jaws. So, these habits moulds jaw and the changes may necessitate the orthodontic treatment for the child.

These habits destroy the teeth alignment and responsible for bad bite and protruding front teeth.

We recommend “Habit Breaking Appliances” which can restrict these habits and avoid the abrupt changes in the jaw and dentition.

What Are Habit Breaking Appliances?

The habit breaking appliances helps to avoid deleterious habits in children. These appliances could either be fixed or removable type.

Is There Any Ideal Age When These Habits Can Be Corrected?

Absolutely No. When you find, that your kids are adapted to any particular habit, just consult your dentist. We examine and consider the age of your child, effects that already present or any other possible reason for the habit and suggest an appliance therapy accordingly, if required.

Is There Any Common Cause For These Habits?

These habits can change the overall facial profile of the child which destroys the social life due to less self esteem which also creates a psychological disturbance in the child's mind. So this is most important, the problem must identify and rectified at an earlier stage whenever possible.

There are some habits develop due to anatomical deviation such as blocked nose due to cold which force the child breath from mouth and thus the habit of mouth breathing develops.

To know more about the habits and habit breaking appliances, make an appointment to day at Kids Smile Dentist, At Nagpur.